Running on fumes

Dunc and Dad went out for a cycle to East Linton. This is "nearly there, son" by the Tyne at Knowes Farm.

Big Effort.

At this point he was seriously running on fumes! Poor lad, it's what an adult would call a "bonk" and I hadn't brought any sugary snacks, which is silly of me. But he squared his shoulders, raised his head and made it to the Co-Op where a bag of Skittles revived him. Then onwards to The Linton for a slap-up lads' lunch.

On the way home we were practising wheelies when I fell off and crashed into him. Which he also handled well. I stuck a huge strip of plaster from my First Aid kit on his arm and he brightened up, once again showing me what's to come when it's me peching up the hills in years to come!

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