
No.1 wanted to meet for a drink tonight so we went along to a local craft beer bar to catch up. Their Christmas tree was a lot smaller, but definitely smarter, than last years


Before that I've been baking biscuits, making apple pie filling (although at the moment I don't have any filo pastry to put around it), cleaning the bits of the house my lovely cleaner doesn't do and wrapping presents. I hate wrapping presents.

Tomorrow is food prep day; sprout cutting, swede steaming and mashing, potato peeling and par boiling, carrot and parsnip peeling, turkey prepping, stuffing balling. And maybe going for a run.

My Pops had his operation on his eye today so hopefully they'll have removed the remains of the clot and hell get his vision back. He's not a happy pirate at the moment (he's actually very depressed and is really struggling with becoming old).

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