Shortest Day & the trivia that is our life?!!!

It's the shortest day of the year. Yay! My human hates dark mornings/evenings but now the days will start to get longer again...........

Ann worked until 1.30pm, then she came home, had a bacon roll and didn't share. This afternoon we went to Aldi so obviously I just had to wait in the car. Since lockdown, Aldi has been Ann's favourite supermarket and today it was full of really nice looking party food. But when does one eat party food unless one is having a party which we're not. We have 5 friends coming for lunch on Tuesday, but that's 'lunch', not a party. In retrospect, it probably would have been easier to call lunch, a party, and just do buffet bits. Too late now................ Oh and while we're on the subject of lunch.................. we have an Asda online delivery arriving between 10-11am on Tuesday we would have preferred it to be earlier but in Scotland you can't buy alcohol between 10pm – 10am and obv we need more wine!!! so hopefully everything we've ordered will be there and all the fresh stuff, will, be fresh?!! Not doing anything grand, just cold meats, jacket potatoes, loads of different fillings and salads. BUT, not party food!!!
Actually the Aldi party food looked so good especially the mini beef wellingtons that my human is thinking that she might go back tomorrow or Friday and buy herself a load of party food and have her own little party on Christmas Eve and Boxing Day because we're going to be by ourselves then. What do you think Blippers? Is that a bit self indulgent?!! …......It might be nice to eat party food for a couple of days.

Anyway, who cares what my human is going to eat over Christmas?!!

After I'd waited in the car, I went to Fairmilehead Park to play with my ball. Yes, I was allowed to keep some of my balls after donating 38 manky old balls to the Dog & Cat home yesterday.

It was about 3pm and already almost dark. It was also very, very, muddy in the park. I ended up filthy. But I had such a good time. Unfortunately one of the times that I jumped up to catch the ball, I ended up 'head-butting' it over these railings into the kiddie play park area. I was distraught because I couldn't get to it, so Ann had to go and rescue it for me.

And that's been our day................. Nothing else to report!!!

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