On holiday

Started the day with another walk along the beach, then went down to Palmerston as the friend I'm camping with needed to buy something.  On the way back we made two stops.  

The first for me to visit Blaze's roadside cross (and have a chat with him).  Photo in extras. In past years the crop in 'his' field has aways been rye or wheat, so it was a real surprise to see that this year its canola.  I wish I'd known.  I'd have come down to visit his cross while the backdrop was still flowering golden!  

The second stop was to meet up with a friend who is currently living in Palmerston but who was staying out at Shag Point.  It was brilliant to catch up with Nicky.  It's been far too many years since we took the time to meet.

Now we're back at our vans and its raining - so after a late lunch I took the opportunity to settle in with my kindle - didn't read a lot as my eyes were closed 

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