The Last Flowers In Ice

Not the lead Blip shit obviously - that was as the sun went down.

When I went out to the bins to get rid of some rubbish, I realised that I hadn't got rid of the flowers in ice which I had left on top of the bins.
So I went and got the camera, took what remained of the ice (and flowers) out of the container and took some close-ups ........ Over Here.

I made a couple of nose recipients (yet to be photographed) one of which will stay with me.

There were conversations with 1) Our Ray Of Sunshine this morning to find out how Butterfly is doing - she has not been well and had to be be taken to hospital a couple of days ago .... a raging temperature and sky high heart rate were the main worries. Apparently she is much better today I am happy to say.
2) my brother-in- law who hasn't been too well either. They got back from holiday in America and he ended up in hospital with an ulcer in a rather unfortunate spot that had to be operated on.
3) my brother (in the USA) .... apologising for being late with his birthday wishes. I will let him off as I don't really do birthdays.

We also heard from Bags  to say that the non functioning heating system (nothing to do with us - it was working when we left yesterday) was a valve of some kind which has been fixed.

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