Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

A walk round the Links this morning. Not as cold as it has been, but Archie wore his tartan coat. He always gets lots of admiring glances and comments when he wears it. He still hates it.

I then spent quite a while (this is getting tedious) trying to speak to someone to adjust my health record, and doing it online instead. Yes, I added every little thing that was on my print out. And funnily enough, the arthritic thumb that I had an injection in wasn’t even mentioned on the list, so I didn’t mention it on my application. Mind you, neither was my left total knee replacement mentioned in the surgery printout, so I fear it is not quite correct. Can I be bothered to ring them and ask them to check? Probably not. But I’m certainly slightly poorer than I was when I woke up.

JR took Archie out again in the afternoon, then we got organised for visitors in the evening. Our upstairs neighbours, along with the wee baby, came. And Christine came, but sadly, she left Dougal at home, so that she could relax.

A most pleasant evening was had. Christmas music (until I got fed up and put on better stuff), bubbles and fabulous nibbles. Even a wee whisky for Dad. Wee Ollie was very good, and sat with his new aunties quite happily. Then he had his milk and went to sleep. What a good boy. And Archie was a good boy too, he joined us and was quite sociable.

And I wasn’t the only one wearing a silly Christmas jumper!

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