11 (Day 2779)

The house felt chilly when I woke this morning, and a shuffle downstairs to check on the boiler confirmed that it has shut down sometime in the middle of the night. The system isn't a standard set up, and the boiler heats a thermal store which then feeds the radiators. The pump to the radiators kept going as the thermal store temperature dropped, and by the time I checked it was down to 15⁰C. I set about getting it up and running again, then noticed a leaking valve which meant shutting the system down in order to sort the leak. It has taken pretty much all morning to get the thermal store back up to temperature and the heating working again.
Around lunchtime Sigyn poked me into action and we got out a wander, which was a fairly good way of warming up. She celebrated her 11th birthday by doing zoomies and pouncing on stuff in the melting snow. She doesn't look bad for her age.
Off to the horses shortly with my beautiful wife, then dinner with Mum and Dad.

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