Still Alive

By rinkkasatiainen

Pola, a game from the past - yet to find it's beat

Some days are just filled with opportunities to blip, some days are filled with missed opportunities resulting in crappy blips.

Today was one of the better days: I could have selected any of the following as my blip:
* a breakfast bread I made for my wife
* beautiful river Aura on my way work
* the best scorer in the ice-hockey game 'Pola'
* a rather good picture of the Turun Tuomiokirkko (The church in Finland)
* diggings next to the river Aura that revealed (to much of a surprise for everyone, I've heard) a piece of history - remnants of buildings aging far beyond my understanding.
* And the last but not least, the first sip of a beer after a veeerrry loong day.

Why a picture of the right defenseman of Pola ice-hockey game?

I know, and I have discussed with my wife about this, there is no real good reason for me to wake up at 4.55 to make her a breakfast she will eat on the train on her way to work (to Lahti/Tampere). That gives her 5-10 minutes more time to sleep and allows her to do her morning routines without a rush. Yet I'm doing it every time she's off to a work on another city? Stupidity, you might ask? Love & sheer joy, should I answer?

I shall be taking quite a few pictures of river Aura, Turun Tuomiokirkko and of a beer (not that this particular beer would not have been worth a story), thus I selected to blip a photo of a right defenseman of Pola ice-hockey game.

The player (and the whole game) has seen better days. Now it is located in the game room of our student club. Yet, it is not used.
Long are the days since we students rushed from the university courses to our club room to take a 'few rounds'. Long are the days since all the players had all their legs left. Long are the days since our right defenseman scored with shooting accuracy greater than 30%.

Long are the days since I was a student. Sigh.

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