
By KCNQ2Haiku

Branching out

Well, it's not flowers.
What a relief for you all!
It's a frozen leaf.

Ha! No more flowers, at least for today.  This is a little leaf on our outdoor table, frost can be so pretty and I liked the lines and shapes in the shot.  It's so cold though.  I know, I know, I keep saying. It was minus 9 on the car dashboard this morning.  Good grief.  Ben has been OK, remarkably no phone calls from school and he was mostly calm when I picked him up.  I had a giggle because they brought him to the car and said, "get in and you can have some water because you have a Woolly Mouse".  I was confused but intrigued.  I'm a sucker for a cuddly toy and a Woolly Mouse seemed to have promise.  It turns out I'd misheard and he actually had a Woolly Mouth.  Less attractive.  But I could relate to that feeling of being thirsty and having a dry mouth although I'd never heard the term "Woolly Mouth".  Again, another misunderstanding.  He actually had a woolly mouth, he'd been chewing his hat bobbles.  Silly but it made me smile!
Not much else to report.  I had my home-start family this morning, we stayed in to keep warm and it was very enjoyable.  Mr KCNQ2Haiku's mum has been to see the boys and that's been nice.  I have made a lentil roast for tea, so that's looking tasty and that's about it for a Thursday I think.   

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