
By KCNQ2Haiku

My friend the Green Chrysanthemum

Bored of my flowers?
Then you're at the wrong Journal!
Too cold to go out!

How fortunate to have been given flowers when it's too cold to go out and blip! I was actually supposed to have my supervision with my home-start co-ordinator this morning, we were going to go for a walk around the lake but she cancelled due to a work emergency.  So here we are with my flowers again.  
I had four phone calls from school today :-/  One querying a bit of an absence he'd had, something we've had investigated and EEG'd before and they say there's nothing neurological, so probably a facet of the autism, kind of like a zoning out.  So it's not worrying but something to watch.  And then 3 calls about his bloods sugars which were really high all day.  I gave him insulin through needles when I fetched him and changed his pump when I got home and it seems to have settled.  
I have had a bit of a mixed success in talking to the headteacher about the food tech lessons.  I mentioned that they are often making things that are very sweet.  I said that wasn't great for Ben but realistically, surely it's not great for all the other autistic children who are trying to learn skills for independent living??  He agreed.. but in the filter down to ground level they have actually kept Ben in the same food tech lessons (it'll be gingerbread men tomorrow!!) but they're also setting up some healthy living cooking lessons for him so he can make more practical meals and talk about his diabetes.  So he came home today having made chicken and pesto pasta, it smelled lovely, unlike Ben who snuck a garlic clove during the cooking process :-/  
They're adapting his timetable quite a lot which I'm really pleased about in principle but there may be some tweaks needed when it's bedded in in January!
On the upside he was a dream getting in the car after school today.  He'd done his cooking class and was playing football on the field when I arrived. It was a nice change from yesterday.  They also said after yesterday's issues they're changing the time of his play therapy so that hopefully it doesn't spill into home time, so fingers crossed that helps.

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