Play Hard, Win Hard

We went to 7:00 am Mass but it was hard getting out of bed. Stayed up too late last night. I started getting gifts in boxes. Wrapping will begin in the morning. Mack has offered to decorate my tree next Monday when she’s on winter break; one less worry. Now that hubby isn’t an officer with the Knights, our printers just aren’t used a lot and their quality is lacking. We’ve decided to have our Christmas letter printed at Staples: at the cost of ink, we’ll probably break even. Things are certainly “back to normal” for us. My son and DIL brought us lunch and dinner; no cooking in this house today. We went to Brooklyn’s basketball game this afternoon. She is number 22. Being slim, some of the other team’s players tested her strength on the court with clandestine pushes and shoves and elbows. She held her own under the basket and all over the court and quickly gained respect from the older players. As a sixth grader, she is one of the youngest in the league. We won with more than double the points of the opposing team. Mancil impressed me. He grabbed a trash can after the game and cleaned the bleachers. Not his school, not his mess but he knew it was the right thing to do. Skylar got her official acceptance letter to the college she wants to attend. Wish it wasn’t so far away. She came to watch Brooklyn. The kitties found my lap as soon as I sat to write this entry. Feels so good to be loved. Wishing you some cuddles. Thanks for dropping by. Be safe and healthy. “Praise your kids. Inspire and motivate your players with praise. Ten years from now, it won’t matter what your record was. Will your kids love you or hate you?” - Jim Harrick

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