
By KCNQ2Haiku


Home through awful jams,
blizzardy snow, falling fast.
Flowers wait for me.

Long, long journey home today.  Proper queues on the M5 and M6, I think there had been some quite nasty accidents in the snow.  Made it home mid afternoon and Mr KCNQ2Haiku had bought me flowers.  So sweet, it was him who had held the fort but me that gets flowers :-D I'm feeling spoilt.  The photo is a flower but I left it a bit late really and I'd lost the light! We had been busy putting up the tree, which was a nice home coming!  
That's about all I have time for tonight, life is feeling too busy at the moment, I can't believe it's nearly Monday already and I haven't even had my weekly walk in the woods! 

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