
By KCNQ2Haiku

Full on day!

A day to include,
Snow and scrapes, travel and dog,
family and fun.

Haven’t got time to elaborate, it was snowing this morning but I had a big drive planned for seeing my Dad. Got organised, felt mithered, managed to reverse off my drive into next door’s decorator’s car. It was awful, I felt terrible and so stupid. He has been very nice but I’m an idiot and it shook me up a bit. Regrouped and set off, arrived for a late lunch and we’ve been putting up the Christmas tree which was fun. I took the dog for a walk around the block, it turns out I was not the alpha of the situation :-D He knew where he wanted to go and frankly I was slowing him down!! So this is my best photo today, a toy poodle straining to pull me off the planned route (fairly successfully it has to be said!!) He’s very sweet, so you have to let him off the hook (just not off the lead!)
Off for a meal out soon, the freedom is unnerving!!
Happy Saturday :-)

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