Sally Damage

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellow,

I spent a lot of today watching telly. Theoretically we should have gone out and done stuff. I mean, that is better for one's mental health, I know but:

- It was pishing with rain all day
- Caro likes being in pyjarmies

I'm being considerate of Caro's PJ needs because Xmas is coming and the social engagements will soon be upon us. Don't get me wrong; Caro is very sociable and enjoys spending time with our friends but she's also keen on being in her comfy little nest. 

And besides, she can interact with our friends via social media. She is much better at this than me. It may surprise you to know that as much as I love Shenée, Caro probably talks to her online more than I do. Well, if you count sending Insta videos of ducks chasing cats to be conversation. 

Caro also CRACKED HERSELF UP today. She was on her end of the couch, cackling away to herself because she was having fun making fun of Jefe. 

That poor man. He took it well.

Caro was also very nice to me. I think she knows that I'm feeling like being quiet at the moment, so she's taking care of me and left a sticky on a lasagne in the fridge for me. 

"Are you going to blip about that?" she asked. 

I wonder if she thinks she is not getting enough positive press in here. 

The rest of my day was spent writing a new story for Hani and Zay. In this story, a fairy named Sally Damage is exiled from FairyLand for being clumsy. It all escalates and ends with the leader of the Fairies taking the fairies to war against Sally and her new friend Cutie the red panda and his mates.

I had heaps of fun writing this one. It expanded from one tale into a massive three-parter. I made myself laugh because being attacked by adorable little fairies is actually sort of cute and tickly, which annoys them immensely. 

What Fat Pete may remember is that "Sally Damage" was the nickname of a mate of ours back in 2005. Unfortunately we lost contact when she hooked up with an @rsehole boyfriend. 

But it was fun spending time with her again in my head. I hope wherever she is now, she is no longer with @rsehole boyfriend. And that she's enjoying being attacked by fairies.


p.s. Fittingly, Caro has put new fairy-lights in our garden and it is all looking very magical out there right now. In today's picture you can see DG looking out at it all. Oh, and that is Smokey the Cat on the fence. For some reason he is Jasper's arch-nemesis. We don't know why.

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