Grey Heron

It was snowing quite heavily when I went up to the loch this morning. There was no sign of the young one or the crows until I got to the water. The young one flew over to the grass. She had most of her food then flew over to the water for the rest. After feeding her I went round to see the male. As I was feeding him I am sure the young male landed on a tree next to us. He would not come down though. I fed the male and the crows. then headed home. As the loch was pretty frozen I decided to take a second batch up after lunch. The young one was standing looking lost on the ice near the middle of the loch when she saw me she made an attempt to walk over but gave up. I walked round the side of the loch but she would not come over. Someone at the other end of the loch started feeding the swans. At that nearly all the gulls took off and headed up to the other end of the loch. Once they were gone the young one flew over to me. I gave her a good feed then went in search of the male who flew over to his usual clearing. I fed him as well but there was no sign of the young male. On the road home the crows flew over for their biscuits. 

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