Cream Teas

Soon there will a blue plaque on the wall outside the Ivy on the Square with my name on it. Two visits in 5 days surely demands some kind of recognition.

Today it was the uptake of a birthday voucher from my stepdaughter for two cream teas. I invited LeeAnne to help me out and we managed to see off 3 scones each with accompanying jam and cream.

The restaurant was very busy even at 3:30 and most people seemed to be visitors. The walk into town along George IV Bridge and down the Mound was just as crowded as at Festival time.
It’s hard for us locals to negotiate large groups following a tour guide or short stay case pullers when we are trying to get from A -B. Very often it is a relief to sit on a bus to avoid having to shuffle along a pavement at the speed of the slowest person.

The town was awash with coloured lights on major buildings. The castle was illuminated in red and the Bank of Scotland at the top of the Mound , red and green. A giant sign in front of the Norwegian gifted Christmas spelled out ‘Edinburgh’ in golden twinkling lights in case anyone had forgotten where they were. I lead a very sheltered life and am not usually out after dark these days, so this was the first time I had seen the lights.

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