Sunrise to Sunset
The 7 hours of daylight we have at the moment seem to fly past so quickly. These blip photos were taken at 8:26 am and 3:15 pm - sunrise and sunset.
In between time I had a book group meeting to discuss the book :the Mountains Sing by the Vietnamese author
Nguyên Phan Quê Mai. It’s a novel which takes in much of the history of Vietnam from 1945- 1975, the end of the Vietnam war and its aftermath. We were all surprised how little we knew about the events other than the war that took place there. There was, of course, lemon drizzle cake to help the discussion along. No alcohol was served though - something about the yard arm.
It was a swift turnabout to connect late to a Zoom call with the now defunct Maggies’s Kitchen Table gang going our own way after being dismissed from the centre.
I couldn’t help musing that my book group with the same people has been going for 40 years while the Kitchen Table group has only been operating for less than 2.
Now 7 hours later, the blinds are drawn the lamps lit and my baffies are on. In 17 hours, the sun will rise again……
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