My Little Solar System

On This Day In History
1854: The Charge Of The Light Brigade by Alfred Lord Tennyson is published

Quote Of The Day
"Half a league, half a league,
 Half a league onward"
(The Charge Of The Light Brigade, Alfred Lord Tennyson)

When I was in secondary school, my science classroom had a quarter of the sun painted on the wall from the ceiling to the floor. Next to that was a tennis ball sized Mercury. The rest of the solar system was painted across the rest of the wall and on into the corridor outisde. I was always amazed by that and have always wanted to have something like that in my own classroom. Now, thanks to yesterday's Exit Point and the efforts of the children in my class, I now have one. The planets and sun are in correct sizes in proportion to each other and the terrestrial planets are the correct distance from the sun. However, owing to lack of space, the Jovian planets are much too close together. Still, never mind; I love it!

My Little Universe

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