Journey To The Origin

On This Day In History
1941: U.S. declares war on Japan

Quote Of The Day
"I ask that the Congress declare that since the unprovoked and dastardly attack by Japan on Sunday, December 7th, 1941, a state of war has existed between the United States and the Japanese Empire."
(President Franklin D. Roosevelt)

It was so nice to get back to semi-normal procedures today. It has been almost three years since I last lead an Exit Point which parents were able to attend in person rather than through Zoom. It was a great success, and it was so nice to see the parents enjoying the children's work in-person and to personally receive their universally positive feedback.

The scenario for this Exit Point was that the parents were passengers on a spaceship which lifts off from Proxima Centauri b and then travels through the solar system from Neptune to Sol in order to view the birthplace of mankind, hence Journey To The Origin as the name of the tour. Upon reaching each planetary body, two or three students would read off statistics about the planet before performing a shadow puppet play relating an Earth myth about the creation of the Sun, the Moon or both. You can see the shadow puppet theatre made by my Teacher Assistant on the stage.

Fingers crossed that next year we will be able to welcome parents back into the classroom without the need for masks or social distancing.

1941: a very popular tune at baseball matches in Japan; an underrated John Williams classic.

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