Up with the moon

We were up before 5 this morning, as Richard was booked on the 10 a.m. ferry from Birkenhead to Belfast, for a short pre-Christmas visit.
I knew I wouldn't get back to sleep, and I enjoy the peace and quiet of an  early morning (even in winter). There was a stunning moon outside the back bedroom window, and later a fiery sunrise just visible from the front ones. For a few brief moments, the moon looked as if it was trailing magical wings of cloud.
I needed to be up early, in any case, to pick up a hire car to use while Richard is away. There is still no sign of mine being mended, as there are delays in getting the parts needed to replace the stolen catalytic converter. I've stopped fretting about it.
In the afternoon I went over to Potteric Carr nature reserve, having seen online reports of good starling murmuration numbers there. I should have phoned them first, really, rather than relying on Facebook posts; apparently, during the recent foggy periods, the starlings took themselves off to roost elsewhere. This is why my extras feature some photogenic sheep and an experiment with intentional camera movement, rather than birds.... And I did have a lovely late afternoon walk.

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