Barbara's Flowers
A busy uneventful working day especially after being off on a thursday, and home for a quick tea before heading up my favourite hill at the moment Moncrieffe Hill. Quite a cold wind so wrapped up well and as I had taken this picture before setting out, no camera with me for a change.
First half of the walk was fine, Breagha her usual bounding along scooting in every direction, nice view from one of the hill forts. Walking down heard this spooky jingling sound in the trees and looked up and there were tin bats hanging from a tall, high up branch and I wondered how they got up there...... Then at one of the seat views I saw three felt toadstools on a dead trunk. Stood and wondered then headed down a bit then realised Breagha had disappeared. Shouted for her and saw a wee head pop up at the top of the hill and she came running down quite frantic like rocket. Then I noticed her hair colour had changed from palomino to green!!! And I could smell her aaaargh NOT AGAIN!
Then as I walked along I met three women dressed as if they were going shopping, one of them had a large red tartan felty shopping bag and I thought strange....... I stopped further down to look back and saw them putting something on a dead tree and taking a picture of it, then I noticed a trunk next to me had a painting placed against it with a sign saying tree of life and further down a wooden basket with felt mushrooms and a wooden monster face in it saying help yourself....... With this sign --- - need to check it out ....
The trip home in the car with the stink bomb was on par with the time in bluebell wood last year when we had to drive with the windows open after she rolled in fox poo! Vile!
Such a trauma in the bath for Breagha though - she was trembling as I soaped her and she managed to escape jumping out of bath. Everything soaked:(
So she is still in the kitchen as the smell is still pretty unbearable...
And I don't have any chocolate in the house....
Never mind looking forward to a small blip meet tomorrow morning......:-))
After reading last years blip about me thinking of doing a photo book of my wedding, thankfully I didn't. It would just have been another painful reminder of happier times of a love I thought was forever. Well, for me it was.
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