If you can't beat them...

By Jerra

Cambria Hybrid Orchid

Purely a record shot for my own use.  I have had this hybrid for quite a while but have never been able to get it to flower.  Today I spotted this flower spike just emerging from among the leaves.  Fingers crossed for success.

I have it on good authority (Sara Rittershausen author of Happy Orchid) that these hybrids generally have Odontoglossum as one of the hybrid parents.  The flowers this particular plant has looked more Miltonia or Miltoniopsis so perhaps that was the other parent.  Cambria seems to be a commercial name for any intergeneric hybrid.

Odontoglossum are from Central America and the Andes so cool temperatures seem to suit them well.  This one has thrived on a north facing bathroom window as the Paphilopedium I blipped a while ago has.

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