
The Minx had a pretty full diary, today, so after I''d done all my various bits and pieces, I went out for a walk on my own. Part of the idea of coming here to Berlin is to help with learning German, so I mostly wandered about, reading signs and listening to what people were saying.

There were some bits of text that I couldn't translate, even using the ridiculously convenient language apps on my phone, so I made a notes of these so that I could talk to my teacher about them next Sunday.

In the evening we took the train to go out to the Christmas Fair at Gendarmenmarkt. Due (I think) to some building work, this has moved location this year, but we found it easily enough and went into the Weihnachtsmarkt.

It was packed and yet not in that same claustrophobic way that, say, the Trafford Centre is. It was all just people wandering around the stalls or standing at tables to eat and drink. We had glühwein, of course, and I tried the Heidelbeerglühwein: blueberry glühwein!

We had caramelised walnuts, and tried rahmbrot, which is like a little cheesy pizza. There was so much lovely stuff at the stalls, too. No tat! Still, the limited luggage space meant there was no pressure to do any Christmas shopping; we just enjoyed looking at everything!

(And then, as a post-script to our evening, we returned to our fave takeaway, Mustafa Demir's Gemüse Kebap. I'm happy to report that the kebabs were as great as ever.)

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