Rocky Robin

Today's the day ............................ for attitude

This is one of the three - or maybe four - robins that frequent our back garden.  

They all have the same thing in common, namely that they think they're in charge and that they decide who goes where - and when.  They are a belligerent lot!  Presumably some of them are the females of the species, but I'm not sure how you tell?  

They have worked out how to cling on to the fatballs and help themselves to the seed in the long feeder.  They avoid the special flat one with the little cover designed specially for robins - probably because it's not enough of a challenge?

In short, they pretty much rule the roost and spend quite a lot of time arguing the toss with each other - and most of the other birds.  They are a source of endless entertainment - and we love them all ....................! 

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