Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Christmas colour in the capital

London was grey and slightly damp (although curiously George Takei of Star Trek claims to like it that way if his interview in todays Guardian is anything to go by). 

I took a picture of a giant multi coloured skull. Christmas South American style, found outside the Mexican street food eatery Wahaca on the Southbank. Christmas meets The Day of the Dead. 

I also made up a collage of a more traditional nature. The photographs were mainly taken around Covent Garden, Seven Dials and St Paul’s. I think Seven Dials got my vote, it's a compact neighbourhood that lends itself to pretty. Plus we found a fab little place with communal tables and decent beer in Neal's Yard (called Homeslice) where you can buy pizza (including the vegan variety ) in manageable quantities. My mushroom and truffle was fab.

Walked 20,000 steps down the South Bank, over London Bridge and back through Fleet Street and Covent Garden but it was quite hard work today. I'm getting too old for this dammit. I think I shall have to plan my days out more carefully. I shall develop a list of friendly watering holes with decent vegan food, good coffee and the occasional beer and stagger between them with the determination of a man who will not give up. I will reclaim the capital for older people and come the day you will have to drag the streets of London from my cold dead hand. 

Having said that it was quite nice to get home to Woking and put my legs up.TSM stayed out into the evening with a friend, eating Thai food in Charing Cross and I picked her up at the station just before ten o'clock, complaining of sore feet. But to be fair she had done even more steps than me by a fair margin, having exercised this morning.

I chilled out to a remastered version of the original Total Recall this evening. Arnold Schwarzenegger is a terrible actor but a brilliant version of himself and a unique personality, and this film is one of my favourites. I bet he gets sore feet too having to carry all that muscle around every day ...

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