Trade In?
Cleaned inside and out today and the pickup has had a wash as well.The BMW is 10 yrs old now and the longest I have ever had a car. Completely reliable, comfortable, good to drive and very cheap to run.Looking for a replacement it is surprising just how bland and uninteresting the cars on offer are. A crop of small and large SUV's mainly all looking the same.Tin Euro boxes the lot of them.
I thought about trading both the car and the pickup and looking for one vehicle that would do both jobs.For the towing capacity I would need this boiled down to Land Rover /Range Rover and their reputation for build quality and reliability is a joke.Plus they look crap and I would have to invest in a blonde wig and a large pair of strap on breasts to drive one.
So.Why change.The only honest reason would be Vanity.
A grey day with some drizzle.
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