horns of wilmington's cow

By anth


May I introduce the two newest residents of the smallholding… A bit of a road trip up to Inverness yesterday to pick up from the SSPCA (please, if you can, rescue animals as a first option for your new pets).

These two are like chalk and cheese, but despite being from different litters, they have bonded and were to be rehomed together. 

They’re both about 5 months old, and the little black floof (who looks like might challenge Harris for best tail in the house), is THE most outgoing, friendly, bold, purry little kitten OR cat I’ve ever come across. At the shelter he was called Diego, but Mel isn’t keen, and his name hasn’t come to us yet. 

The tabby, meanwhile, is semi-feral. This is what made us the perfect match for her, because we have the time, space and quiet house to let her come round in her own time (and she’s already letting us be a bit closer every now and then). She is, frankly, stunning.

At the shelter her name was Cuckoo, as she was the only tabby in a litter of black cats (might be why she bonded with the wee man), but she very quickly settled into being Freya. 

We’ve got them in their own kitten room at the moment, but we’ve opened the door for Harris a couple of times and…. The big wuss has run away. He’ll come round. He’s acting perfectly normally the rest of the time (i.e. just daft), which is in stark contrast to Isla’s reaction when he joined the household (she hissed, ran out the cat flap, and refused to come back in for a few hours, then shunned us for at least a couple of weeks - so Harris being a wee bit of a fearty is easily coped with).

Oh, and remember folks, the RSPCA doesn’t operate north of the border. If you want to help animals north of the border it’s the SSPCA you need (or a local charity like the excellent Lothian Cat Rescue where both Isla and Harris came from). 

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