Carnethy from the Kirk path

I slogged up Carnethy (at 573m the2nd highest of the Pentlands. The shifting sun gave way to low cloud pushing up the northern slopes. It was a bit grim but fascinating the way the cloud filled and thinned revealing different parts of the hill and nearby Scaldlaw, the latter which I gave a miss as the descent to the Kirk path saddle did make my poor old knee ache some. It’s amazing how much steepness is packed into these modest hills, the descent from the saddle being a painful case in point. The sun returned as I got back to flattish land.

It’s cheery how friendly people are in the hills, as if the mere fact of being there is an endeavour shared..

Returning I stopped at Hermiston Gait to buy a radiator key, of all things, and then Waitrose to buy fish.

The Boss, holding the fort in Italy m, reports dreadful weather.

A couple extras of cloud and hummocks on Carnethy.

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