Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Krakow Day Five

An early start today - 8.30 pickup at the Sheraton, which is just round the corner from us. We were off for the day to Zakopane in the mountains.

We picked up four more people at another hotel, and they were friendly Welsh folk. I must say, the ‘people carrier’ vans are much nicer (newer) than the clapped-out, unsafe ones we had in Puglia. 

The city was shrouded in fog. We went to look at the river, but it was not to be seen. This did not bode well for a day trip…

We hadn’t paid attention properly to the itinerary, so we had a couple of surprises. The first surprise stop was at a wee hut for some ‘smoked cheese’. (Thick snow around us now). And it was indeed just a wee hut with an open fire in the middle. Our driver got the cheese and fired up the logs, and smoke filled the wee hut. The (sheep’s) cheese was well and truly smoked, and then we had it with cranberry jam. I wasn’t too sure (check photo for a doubtful face) but it wasn’t bad at all. It’s called Oscypek.

Onwards to the next surprise stop, the villa ‘Koliba’ which is an example of the Zakopane style - incorporating Art Nouveau elements. We had a very informative self guided tour around the house, with the two people in charge following us around and telling us not to touch anything. Wonderful craftsmanship in every wee ordninary household item, not to mention the bigger furniture items.

We arrived in Zakopane about midday, and went straight up furnicular to the top of the mountain. The fabulous Tatras Mountains were opposite us. Such a shame that the ‘Gravity Sledge’ wasn’t open… We had an ice cream at the top. It was warm and sunny, and we wondered why we hadn’t brought sunglasses. And indeed, my duffle coat would have been fine.

Back down into the town, a look around the touristy shops, which by now we’d seen everything on offer and were not tempted - there was plenty more sheep’s cheese… Though I did buy a big wooden spoon with ‘ZAKOPANE’ burnt on it. I’ve actually been in two hardware shops in Edinburgh recently, trying to get a big wooden spoon, so I was well pleased. 

Back home and dropped off at the Sheraton, so we popped in to their huge open reception atrium for a glass of wine. Two televisions had the Poland/Mexico game on.

A grand day out!

Check out more pics on Instagram - archies_mums.

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