No Escape

There’s no escape. Christmas is coming and the geese are ……locked inside because of bird flu.
Having just got rid of the Festival visitors, Edinburgh is now gearing up for the Christmas ones. It is never ending. The tree on the Mound is up, the Ferris wheel is in place and work is under way to build the stalls for the Christmas Market. Mammon is in charge in the City Council once more. I don’t suppose I would mind so much if the whole shebang weren’t so tacky, but the usual tat and cheap wine is the same served up every year in the Market.

On the good news front, the rain stopped at least during the hours of daylight allowing me to visit David and Luca and admire their latest interior decoration and new acquisitions. They have a lovely  artistic flat.

I walked home as the light was waning and admired the handwork of lights on the windows of the Black Ivy.
I so enjoyed my afternoon that I am  celebrating with a large glass of gin & tonic as I write this but it’s becoming more and more difficult to control my fingers……

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