Blooming Marvellous

I made the mistake today of trying to jump the morning rush hour by catching a bus to Porty before 8am but it didn’t work. With the buses rerouted because the north lane on the Bridges is closed, everything was gridlocked at the east end of Queen Street and down to London Road where the road is up for the tram works. If someone had actively set about organising the perfect disruption to traffic, they couldn’t have done a better job. My entry in the waves was delayed by 15 minutes. Fortunately my partner in crime, LeeAnne, was also delayed so at least she wasn’t drumming her neoprene gloves on the sea wall waiting for me.

We had breakfast in a very busy Beach House at 9:30 before coming home to scrub up for a visit to the dentist. My mouth is now full of gold which has come at the expense of my purse

My dentist is leaving the practice for one at the other side of the city. I gathered it was because the existing one is going private. I am intending to follow her to the new NHS practice even though there is a tidy walk and a bus journey involved. If you find a good dentist it makes sense not to lose her.

My cacti are all in full bloom , but this one takes the biscuit as they say.

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