Nate Rafa

The day started with a banging head, the change in weather I think, it's very heavy and there's a storm brewing. Thankfully it lifted, which was a very pleasant surprise as it had the hallmarks of being a sicky horrible one. I met up with a photographer friend this morning. She's lived here for about 25 years and her partner is Ibicencan, she gets the complexities of the island. Her suggestion for the centre is to open as a charity shop...or at least to pursue it. That way we could still wash homeless friends clothes as we could have a washer and dryer to wash could still be a focal point for where people could find us etc... It really struck a chord with me. We'd half thought about a charity shop in the past, maybe this might be something that could be allowed by the local government? I'm thinking we could collaborate with Caritas and have a coupons system so friends from the street could come 'buy' their things without needing cash. We are given SO many donations to pass on, this might be a good way of shifting stock! Something to pray on and pursue...
Home to wash more clothes - we're getting to the time of year when it's all heavy thick stuff that seems to take forever to dry. 
Asha had the dentist (she needs a fixed brace), they discovered, like me, she has a few teeth missing...they're just not in her head! I had the same. Anyway, she'll need some treatment to straighten out her front teeth. Nate and I got crafty whilst she and Danny were out. He wanted to make a Captain America shield, thankfully an easy craft project to say yes to and he's delighted. 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) The headache lifting.
2) A lovely chat with my mom and dad, and cousin who popped to theirs for lunch. 
3) The weekend and change of pace.

Today's joy theme is 'made, shared, passed on';
1) Made - the joy of making something with Nate and his utter delight at something very rudimentary.
2) Shared - grateful for Anne's idea she shared with me.
3) Passed on - a jumper I bought for a euro - a man's thick big felt like wearing a hug today. Also grateful for music tips passed on, currently listening to this album and track - it makes me feel happy! I'm passing it on to you...

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