Give Me Caffeine....

By Caffeinated



Got woken with a call from the psychiatrist from the hospital, asking me to go up there. She couldn't make it to me. She gave me 20mins to get up and on the bus to be on time for the appt. Not a good start.
She asked the same questions as last night's nurses did but there were also loads more. I was so disorientated, confused and detached. I couldn't focus my eyes on anything and she was convinced I was seeing things but not telling her that. She admitted she didn't know what to make of my symptoms and kept asking why I was like that, was there a trigger? No one gets that it just happens for no reason.
I have to change meds, so have to start reducing meds from today and in the meantime she will go through my notes to see what meds I haven't tried.
I was in with her for about an hour and a half. It was hard work. At one point it felt like I was getting interrogated.

I came out desperate for food and a hot drink as I didn't have time for breakfast. Stopped for a pastry and a tea. Sat like a zombie.
Got home very wet as it rained all day.
Spotted this sign in the grounds and maybe if I am up there again and the weather is nicer I'll follow it.

A CPN is coming tomorrow morning.

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