Speed Awareness Course

The last time we went to Cornwall my human got caught speeding on the motorway by the automatic overhead speed detectors. She was doing 86mph on the M1. And a lot of cars were overtaking us so let's hope they all got caught too.  

Ann had options......................... pay a £100 fine and get three points on her driving licence, or, do a 'speed awareness course' (which costs £88).

Ann chose to do the 'speed awareness course' but the problem with that option was.................... the only 'real live' locations to take the course were in England & Wales, so our closest location was Carlisle. Fortunately, one can now do them online, so she signed up for one this afternoon.

As those of you who follow our Blips regularly will know..................... my human is not the most techy person in the world and she hates talking to anyone online. In fact during lockdown she avoided doing anything on Skype/WhatsApp/Facetime/Zoom etc. However, to drive all the way to Carlisle was not really a viable option so she signed up to do it via Zoom. The only time Ann has ever used Zoom has been for a ressie ass AGM when she actually had a neighbour with her so she was really worried that she wouldn't even be able to join the zoom course without help.

Sometimes my human underestimates her abilities. All she had to do was click on a button to join the course. …................And then sit for almost 3 hours staring at a screen.........................

How people can work from home and sit in front of a computer screen all day, my human doesn't know. Ann has now got really, really, really, sore eyes. She'd set up the laptop so that she could sit on the sofa (and not at the breakfast bar where she usually uses it) but she's also got a sore back. She did have a 10 min break half way through the course but surely it can't be good for people to sit in front of a screen for such a long period of time. The teacher had already done two courses today.

As for the course......................... well, it didn't teach her anything that she didn't already know. But hey ho, at least she hasn't got points on her licence so her insurance shouldn't go up.

.................And in other news............................. I've had three walks today. All of them in the rain. …..............Tomorrow will be a better day!!

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