
By NightOwl45

Torrential Rain Tuesday

My flare continues but I had to venture out in the torrential rain to food shop.

I had a very encouraging message today about something I’ve been thinking about doing for a very long time and last night, I finally wrote the email and hit send. I will keep you posted when everything is confirmed.

Pain and fatigue are both off the scale today and my mood has been low. Depression descends some days and I have to push through it. It will pass. 

Today’s Blip is just a selfie as it was far too wet to take a photo outside! The extra is of a bottle of juice - if you’ve never tried a Vit Hit, give it go. You won’t regret it!

Resting tonight except for my daily German revision on Duolingo which I still need to do.

I didn’t manage to get my flu jag as planned today - I will need to reschedule. 

Thanks for all your kind comments, stars and follows, hope you’ve all had a satisfying Tuesday :) xx

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