blue and gold

A really lovely sunny day and the beech woods were glowing. I found it hard to go indoors after my walk.

The afternoon was spent at a Dumfries event for Scottish Interfaith Week, at the Multicultural Centre. Catching up with friends, hearing about the festivals celebrated by people of the Baha'i, Jewish, Muslim and Christian faiths. Everyone enjoyed the food donated by Levantine, the Syrian cafe.

The daylight was fading when I left, and the sun was just disappearing behind the hills as I arrived home. D went out with his head torch on to collect the wood he had split earlier, though since it has been 16 degrees centigrade today (in Mid-November!), I doubt it will be cold enough to light the fire tonight.

Time for me to go and cook now - another apple crumble to use up my bucket of windfall Bramleys.

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