
By antipodean

Super Tibbles

In the last six months or so Tibbles has become really adventurous, climbing fences and wandering across roofs to his heart's content.

Jobs jobs jobs! I sent off an application for a job today that I think I won't get, but would absolutely love to at least get an interview. I also had an interview/chat with the woman who manages retail at my old job which went really well - I have a trial at one of the shops next week to make sure that I still fit with the company and also that I still want to work there but all going well I can start doing shifts next week. So money may be coming my way soon...

I made granola this afternoon because I haven't been able to find it at all here. I was eating the yummiest granola in England but it doesn't seem to be a big thing here except for the high end brands. It was pretty easy and it smelt amazing, so basically as soon as it was cool enough I tried it with yoghurt. So good!

I managed to get a shot of Tibbles leaping from the fence to the roof but it's technically terrible - he's out of focus while the fence and our outdoor light are perfectly sharp - so I went with him practicing his tightrope act instead. What a cool cat.

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