
By KathyH58

Nov 11

A long day, we left at 8 am and got back to my place at 6 pm. Three hours of driving each way. We stopped for brunch near our destination at the Canso Causeway.
We spent the afternoon watching eagles, gulls, cormorants and northern gannets fishing for the Atlantic saury. There were a couple of whales around and they spent most of their time on the opposite side of the water from where we were. Finally later in the afternoon one came closer.
The dolphins were hard to photograph, they were up and down so fast. Some of the seals watched us taking photos. One of them floated past a couple of times on his back.
The highlight of the afternoon was this thresher shark that came up close to where we were. I was able to turn fast enough to get one photo, although I was zoomed in too closely to get all of his tail.
We were not the only ones to make the trip today. Another couple that was close to us was from Halifax too, then a family stopped by, also from here, and there were some marine biology students from Dalhousie University, Halifax watching the activity too.
Now we wait to see what we get as the remnants of Nicole pass thru the area on Saturday. I hope there are no power outages with this storm.

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