
By JohnHeuston1

Sky, Virgin and into the future

The first reason we switched from Sky to Virgin is that Sky's box froze on a regular basis, and often, a couple of winters ago, cut out completely in high winds. A secondary reason was the ability to record three programmes simultaneously - it seemed like a good idea at the time but now, not so much. The pic is three red lights on the box.

The downside is primarily that on Virgin, there ain't no Sky Atlantic. Every second decent tv programme seems to be on Sky blumin Atlantic. I am however taking size 12 baby steps into 21st century tv watching and going online. None of your dodgy online pirate tv stuff of course (although please let me know if you know of any safe ones - ha!). I like my tv. I have tried watching tv programmes - actual, proper tv programmes - on my laptop but it's all a bit meh. So it's time for a whatsit cable, laptop to tv and watching like that, all modern and stuff. Virgin contract ends in June, so not so much Virgin after that. I teach advertising and stuff though, so clearly I'll still be watching the ads, honest.

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