Marley on a bridge at sunset..
I have no other title..
To be honest I am a bit miffed .. Would you or would you not in a recession want business ... I am guessing you will be saying yes to this .. Well for the last few power walks we have done we have ended up having a quick drink at the pub in Wilmcote .. It's a bit hostile as the locals have their dogs there and it seems although we sit outside with our dogs they are not pleased by 'incommers' and their very well behaved pooches .. WELL I tell you this they don't fucking well intimidate me and if I sodding well want a bloody half a bitter shandy I shall indeed have one !!! Miserable sods .... If that pub went bust like hundreds of village pubs I would NOT be surprised ..
Where I ask you is a friendly welcome ??? WHERE ?? In fact every single local we have come across in Wilmcote have been grumpy miseries .. Maybe it's like the twilight zone or something.I think we might look for a fun venue and walk into Stratford .. OR I could just be a tenacious little shit and keep annoying them in the village ...
Apart from my bad service rant I have has a good doing day .. Dog walks,popped into a hateful supermarket , did some light housework, went to the garden centre with Mrs Neurotic , home and potted some more plants .. Read my book and voila it was school pick up time .. It's all go ;)
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