Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Dad'n'The middle one ...

I think the sun makes me skittish ... Today I persuaded Mr W to take me to the garden centre so I could begin the titivation of the garden ... The traffic coming into Stratford was horrendous !! We have not seen it like this for years... Knowing the clear routes we were fine but some roads were queuing for a couple of hours :o !! Where would they all park is what I want to know ...
So anyway Mr W and I sat and read in the garden before I did my planting stuff... Lucy was at Mia's being feral .. Eve was lopping about at home so being the excellent parents we are we took her on a dog walk to Oversley woods and I took photos of her pretending to be a sloth ....... We did have Sadie dog,not just Eve pretending to be one.
Ohh and just for added excitement I managed four loads of washing all line dried .... Gotta love the smell of line dried washing ( except for the time Pepe did a wee on my mums long nightdress that was hanging down when she was house sitting last year) ... ( she was not in it by the way) ...

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