From Now On...

By rachelwhynot

Knitted with love…

Just some of the scarves and jumpers, and a gorgeous bear, that will soon be on their way to Ukraine via ChildAid, the charity working with families and especially children in the Eastern European countries of Ukraine, Moldova and Belarus.

It was a very challenging and sad listen this afternoon at Women’s Fellowship. The minds and lives of so many children are being shattered by the continual noise of shelling. In quieter moments, the workers work to bring smiles and laughter back to their faces. Too often these moments are interrupted and the children have to return to underground shelters. We will remember them.

Mavis joined us this afternoon. One thing at a time, when she is ready. Good days and not so good days. Others here will know exactly how she feels.

Big Sis is safely in Dunbar and has met Alastair. We’ve been sent a lovely photo!

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