Gold Cloth

Historians will be interested with the 16C gold cloth, but I’m sure you’ll understand that children might be rather underwhelmed with it.

A stressful evening for me. The phone seems to be getting worse, the trellis fence is finalising it’s trip to the ground and everyone else is falling apart at the same time. Megan, having a tough time has been messaging for advice, James is having a tough time with Megan having a tough time, and Liam has been signed off work for a week by the doctor as he is so low and overcome with the grief he has been holding in. I’ve just not got the energy to help any of them like I normally would. All this was going on as the counsellor was trying to get through for my session. When she managed it she couldn’t hear me because the line was so crackly, the same thing the fencing company said earlier. 

I had a shorter call eventually with the counsellor, because I just wasn’t up to the intensity, and we are taking a break for a few weeks. I’ve decided that tomorrow evening I will swap back to my old phone until this one is sorted. I just can’t be without it  on Thursday (exhibiting at the Education Show) and it’s just not practical that people can’t get hold of me. 

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