
By PlanW

The Boy With A Thorn In His Side

My day in 5 images.  

Morning.  Walked 3 dogs in 2 instalments.  Took my secateurs to cut back a bramble hanging out of a neighbour's garden.  I walked into it yesterday and caught my coat and face.   I collected leaves in a bag from the park to make leaf mould.  Off to the gym, aqua class, a tiny amount of swimming, sauna/steam room with hair stuff on my heid.  Hot foot to the supermarket for the papers, groceries etc. I had to drive to the main post office to post a birthday card to my sister which is already late.
Home in time for another dog walk.  Gary came so we could take three saving me a fourth walk today.  Praise be.  
Evening:  roasted squash for soup tomorrow, made a crumble with windfalls from my neighbour Mary's garden, and had another fabulous pie for my tea.  Goats cheese and red pepper this time.  Top marks Lidl.   Watched the dancin', and countless episodes of The Good Fight, my latest binge. 

Multitasking in front of the TV - I continue to sort out clothes to get rid of while reading the papers and drinking wine.  

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