
By PlanW

Alba, the wooly mammoth is staying for the weekend. Edu, her owner is on call at the hospital all weekend. Fortunately, Gary was around this morning so we could walk together meaning I'd only have to go out 3 times today, not four.   

I nipped to the shops for some basics (a paper, chocolate, wine) and ended up with more books from the charity shop. 

The fireworks are never ending tonight but stress levels are fairly low in the house, surprisingly.  I've got two dogs and a cat by my feet.  So far this evening, I've prepared butternut squash and sweet potatoes for soup which I'll make tomorrow.  I caramelised apples for a crumble which will also happen tomorrow.   I've sorted through a big of clothes I'm going to dispose off.  Why can't I be more ruthless.  I mean, am I ever going to wear those shorts again, ha ha? 

In other news, I had a cauliflower cheese pie from Lidl, it was the nicest thing I've had for absolutely ages.   Who knew? 

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