I achieved quite a lot today. Froze the results of yesterday's cooking, made up the spare room, finally sorted the spare freezer than had been accidentally disconnected and unintentionally reorganised the kitchen. I decided the put the new microwave in a different position. It may be temporary, I'll see. I don't have a lot of worktop space wherever it goes.
I also moved all the work stuff to the office which definitely needs a tidy.
Somehow that all took most of the day. Then out to meet M and H for her birthday dinner. I was late, an altercation on the #7 plus me faffing over a scarf and then wearing the wrong footwear. I tottered down the hill on 3 inch heels. They are solid, thick heels but I think it's the angle they force my body into that's the problem. They will have to go.
The meal, as ever, was lovely and the company good. H like her presents.
Got home after 11 and stupidly read an email. For another day.
I should have blipped fireworks. There were lots of them. Willow was oblivious.
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