You’re being ridiculous

Cats can easily inspire guilt.

Several of my friends have been talking about not yet switching on the central heating. 

My next door neighbour borrowed my kitchen steps to fit a rail above her front door to attach a curtain.

I bought a cheap and uninspiring M and S jumper for £10 on Lichfield market. (Ugly but warm).

This week it’s been decidedly chillier, and harder to stick to the “warm the person, not the house.”

Suki is quite clear about her view of it all.

She’s nearly always slept in her cardboard box of choice, on the floor, with or without the lovely knitted squares she brought with her.

This week she’s letting me know what she thinks about this energy saving. She’s decided to sleep on the cushion on the chair, raised away from the draughts.  Her face says it all.

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