Aging gracefully

I saw these vibrant flowers still blooming downtown after many near freezing nights. Obviously they are on their way out as winter approaches, but they still bring beauty and joy. I hope I will do the same!

Here’s the reason I was downtown. The other day I found a coin in the street while walking Laney and was disappointed it didn’t look like US currency. It had the head of a Queen on one side and a Roman numeral on the other side. Once home I discovered it was indeed a US nickel minted in 1912 with the head of Lady Liberty on it. I looked it up online and read it could be sold for $150! So I went to the coin shop to pick up my windfall and found out it sells only for 25 cents( in good condition) and mine was worth 10 cents. The shopkeeper suggested I keep it as a bit of history.
What an adventure! See it in extras

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