
By benwells172

Travel Week Day 2

Tuesday 18 October 2022
The travel week day 2 was spent in Glasgow, primarily exploring the Glasgow subway. It was initially a weird feeling in the subway but then I adjusted and enjoyed it.

It stops at various bits in the city like Buccluech Street, St Enoch, Kelvinbridge, Ibrox, etc which can get you a few minute walks to bits like Glasgow Science Centre which was cool. I went into the inner circle of the route to explore these parts, not knowing the inner was the opposite direction of the outer route which I took first.

Inbetween I tasted a chai tea latte in a bit in St Enoch which... goodness it was lovely! Plus a pumpkin spiced latte from Starbucks which was good as well, so overall it was a very fun day...

Then the bus back to Dumfries happened. I got to the bus station at 5.55 and I assumed the 6.15 bus somehow came early but it was the 5.15 bus being late. The 6.15 bus was just as late, to the point where I went to the train station to try and catch the 7.00 train to Dumfries, all for it to be fully booked, so I ran all the way back to the bus station to not miss the bus. Then the bus that did come was not a coach but a local town loop bus instead so I couldn't charge my phone. What a maddening end to an otherwise chill day.

Steps: 28,155 (hugely underestimated how many steps I thought I'd get, expected at most half this amount hahah)

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