Between fen and mountains

By Tickytocky

The Tech estuary

I went to the coast today to try to make contact with a family member of the artisan who is supposed to install the new veranda and who asked for a large deposit to buy the materials. I had first been to Perpignan to see if his business premises still exists but the office is no longer there. Initially, nobody wanted to answer the door but eventually his wife agreed to speak to me. She is obviously having a terrible time with him in the psychiatric hospital, trying to juggle balls and look after a young family. I reassured her that all I wanted to do was to stay in communication and wait for him to get better. She gave me her mobile number and later sent me very nice message. She said he intends to complete outstanding jobs when he is better and then give up the business as he cannot cope. I hope he is able to achieve this. Afterwards, I went to the beach. The weather was ridiculous for the beginning of November, 23 degrees with a water temperature off 21. I understand the Mediterranean French coast has water temperatures still between 21 and 24 and underwater flora is dying. I had a very pleasant swim. It was an isolated naturist beach at the point we had decided to walk so skinny dipping was the order of the day so as not to look out of place!

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